Pulsar preprints for 20-02-2024

"The Primordial Black Hole Abundance: The Broader, the Better"
A. Ianniccari, A. J. Iovino, A. Kehagias, D. Perrone, A. Riotto
"Modelling The Radial Distribution of Pulsars in the Galaxy"
J. T. Xie, J. B. Wang, N. Wang, R. Manchester, G. Hobbs
"First detection of X-ray polarization in Galactic ULX pulsar Swift J0243.6$+$6124 with {\it IXPE}"
Seshadri MajumderIITG, Rwitika ChatterjeeURSC, Kiran M. JayasuryURSC, Santabrata DasIITG, Anuj NandiURSC
"Measuring the magnetic dipole moment and magnetospheric fluctuations of SXP 18.3 with a Kalman filter"
J. O'Leary, A. Melatos, N. J. O'Neill, P. M. Meyers, D. M. Christodoulou, S. Bhattacharya, S. G. T. Laycock
"Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of the repeating fast radio burst FRB 20190520B with Swift and FAST"
Zhen Yan, Wenfei Yu, Kim L. Page, Jie Lin, Di Li, Chenhui Niu, Casey Law, Bing Zhang, Shami Chatterjee, Xian Zhang, Reshma Anna-Thomas
"What Powered the Kilonova-Like Emission After GRB 230307A in the Framework of a Neutron Star-White Dwarf Merger?"
Xiangyu Ivy Wang, Yun-Wei Yu, Jia Ren, Jun Yang, Ze-Cheng Zou, Jin-Ping Zhu
"Gravitational waves from an eccentric population of primordial black holes orbiting Sgr A$^{\star}$"
Stefano Bondani, Matteo Bonetti, Luca Broggi, Francesco Haardt, Alberto Sesana, Massimo Dotti
"A Comptonized Fireball Bubble Fits the Second Extragalactic Magnetar Giant Flare GRB 231115A"
Yi-Han Iris Yin, Zhao Joseph Zhang, Jun Yang, Run-Chao Chen, Umer Rehman, Varun, Bin-Bin Zhang
"Prompt sky localization of compact binary sources using a meshfree approximation"
Lalit Pathak, Sanket Munishwar, Amit Reza, Anand S. Sengupta
"Resummed spinning waveforms from five-point amplitudes"
Andreas Brandhuber, Graham R. Brown, Gang Chen, Joshua Gowdy, Gabriele Travaglini
"Prompt Black Hole Formation in Binary Neutron Star Mergers"
Christian Ecker, Konrad Topolski, Matti J\"arvinen, Alina Stehr