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Pulsar preprints for 13-11-2024

"Full 3D nonlinear dynamics of charged and magnetized boson stars"
V\'ictor Jaramillo, Dar\'io N\'u\~nez, Milton Ruiz, Miguel Zilh\~ao
"The Simons Observatory: laboratory beam characterization for the first small aperture telescope"
Remington G. Gerras, Thomas Alford, Michael J. Randall, Joseph Seibert, Grace Chesmore, Kevin T. Crowley, Nicholas Galitzki, Jon Gudmundsson, Kathleen Harrington, Bradley R. Johnson, J. B. Lloyd, Amber D. Miller, Max Silva-Feaver
"The Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna: Mission Studies and Science Case"
Parameswaran Ajith, Pau Amaro Seoane, Manuel Arca Sedda, Riccardo Arcodia, Francesca Badaracco, Biswajit Banerjee, Enis Belgacem, Giovanni Benetti, Stefano Benetti, Alexey Bobrick, Alessandro Bonforte, Elisa Bortolas, Valentina Braito, Marica Branchesi, Adam Burrows, Enrico Cappellaro, Roberto Della Ceca, Chandrachur Chakraborty, Shreevathsa Chalathadka Subrahmanya, Michael W. Coughlin, Stefano Covino, Andrea Derdzinski, Aayushi Doshi, Maurizio Falanga, Stefano Foffa, Alessia Franchini, Alessandro Frigeri, Yoshifumi Futaana, Oliver Gerberding, Kiranjyot Gill, Matteo Di Giovanni, Ines Francesca Giudice, Margherita Giustini, Philipp Gl\"aser, Jan Harms, Joris van Heijningen, Francesco Iacovelli, Bradley J. Kavanagh, Taichi Kawamura, Arun Kenath, Elisabeth-Adelheid Keppler, Chiaki Kobayashi, Goro Komatsu, Valeriya Korol, N. V. Krishnendu, Prayush Kumar, Francesco Longo, Michele Maggiore, Michele Mancarella, Andrea Maselli, Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti, Francesco Mazzarini, Andrea Melandri, Daniele Melini, Sabrina Menina, Giovanni Miniutti, Deeshani Mitra, Javier Mor\'an-Fraile, Suvodip Mukherjee, Niccol\`o Muttoni, Marco Olivieri, Francesca Onori, Maria Alessandra Papa, Ferdinando Patat, Andrea Perali, Tsvi Piran, Silvia Piranomonte, Alberto Roper Pol, Masroor C. Pookkillath, R. Prasad, Vaishak Prasad, Alessandra De Rosa, Sourav Roy Chowdhury, Roberto Serafinelli, Alberto Sesana, Paola Severgnini, Angela Stallone, Jacopo Tissino, Hrvoje Tkal\v{c}i\'c, Lina Tomasella, Martina Toscani, David Vartanyan, Cristian Vignali, Lucia Zaccarelli, Morgane Zeoli, Luciano Zuccarello
"Chern-Simons Induced Thermal Friction on Axion Domain Walls"
Saquib Hassan, Gaurang Ramakant Kane, John March-Russell, Georges Obied
"Are there Black Hole Symbiotic X-ray Binaries?"
Zhu-Ling Deng, Xiang-Dong Li
"Observing the Meissner effect in neutron stars"
S. K. Lander, K. N. Gourgouliatos, Z. Wadiasingh, D. Antonopoulou
"Primordial black holes and induced gravitational waves from logarithmic non-Gaussianity"
Ryoto Inui, Cristian Joana, Hayato Motohashi, Shi Pi, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama
"Quantum Metrology for Gravitational Wave Astronomy"
Roman Schnabel, Nergis Mavalvala, David E. McClelland, Ping Koy Lam
"Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass models on a 3D mesh: IV. Improved description of the isospin dependence of pairing"
Guilherme Grams, Nikolai N. Shchechilin, Adrian Sanchez-Fernandez, Wouter Ryssens, Nicolas Chamel, Stephane Goriely
"Origin of Black Hole Spin in Lower-Mass-Gap Black Hole-Neutron Star Binaries"
Ying Qin, Zhen-Han-Tao Wang, Georges Meynet, Rui-Chong Hu, Chengjie Fu, Xin-Wen Shu, Zi-Yuan Wang, Shuang-Xi Yi, Qing-Wen Tang, Han-Feng Song, En-Wei Liang

Pulsar preprints for 12-11-2024

"Galaxy Tomography with the Gravitational Wave Background from Supermassive Black Hole Binaries"
Yifan Chen (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Matthias Daniel (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Daniel J. D'Orazio (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Andrea Mitridate (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Laura Sagunski (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Xiao Xue (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Gabriella Agazie (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Jeremy G. Baier (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Paul T. Baker (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Bence B\'ecsy (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Laura Blecha (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Adam Brazier (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Paul R. Brook (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Sarah Burke-Spolaor (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Rand Burnette (The NANOGrav Collaboration), J. Andrew Casey-Clyde (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Maria Charisi (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Shami Chatterjee (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Tyler Cohen (The NANOGrav Collaboration), James M. Cordes (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Neil J. Cornish (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Fronefield Crawford (The NANOGrav Collaboration), H. Thankful Cromartie (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Megan E. DeCesar (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Paul B. Demorest (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Heling Deng (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Lankeswar Dey (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Timothy Dolch (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Elizabeth C. Ferrara (The NANOGrav Collaboration), William Fiore (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Emmanuel Fonseca (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Gabriel E. Freedman (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Emiko C. Gardiner (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Kyle A. Gersbach (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Joseph Glaser (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Deborah C. Good (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Kayhan G\"ultekin (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Jeffrey S. Hazboun (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Ross J. Jennings (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Aaron D. Johnson (The NANOGrav Collaboration), David L. Kaplan (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Luke Zoltan Kelley (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Joey S. Key (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Nima Laal (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Michael T. Lam (The NANOGrav Collaboration), William G. Lamb (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Bjorn Larsen (The NANOGrav Collaboration), T. Joseph W. Lazio (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Natalia Lewandowska (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Tingting Liu (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Jing Luo (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Ryan S. Lynch (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Chung-Pei Ma (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Dustin R. Madison (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Alexander McEwen (The NANOGrav Collaboration), James W. McKee (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Maura A. McLaughlin (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Patrick M. Meyers (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Chiara M. F. Mingarelli (The NANOGrav Collaboration), David J. Nice (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Stella Koch Ocker (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Ken D. Olum (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Timothy T. Pennucci (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Polina Petrov (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Nihan S. Pol (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Henri A. Radovan (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Scott M. Ransom (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Paul S. Ray (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Joseph D. Romano (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Jessie C. Runnoe (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Alexander Saffer (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Shashwat C. Sardesai (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Kai Schmitz (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Xavier Siemens (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Joseph Simon (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Magdalena S. Siwek (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Sophia V. Sosa Fiscella (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Ingrid H. Stairs (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Daniel R. Stinebring (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Abhimanyu Susobhanan (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Joseph K. Swiggum (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Jacob Taylor (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Stephen R. Taylor (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Jacob E. Turner (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Caner Unal (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Michele Vallisneri (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Rutger van Haasteren (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Joris Verbiest (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Sarah J. Vigeland (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Caitlin A. Witt (The NANOGrav Collaboration), David Wright (The NANOGrav Collaboration), Olivia Young (The NANOGrav Collaboration)
"Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of the transitional millisecond pulsar candidate 3FGL J1544.6-1125"
Nina V. Gusinskaia, Amruta D. Jaodand, Jason W. T. Hessels, Slavko Bogdanov, Adam T. Deller, James C. A. Miller-Jones, Thomas. D. Russell, Alessandro Patruno, Anne M. Archibald
"The effect of pressure anisotropy on quark stars structure in the Starobinsky model"
Takol Tangphati, \.Izzet Sakall{\i}, Ayan Banerjee, Anirudh Pradhan
"Search for Extended GeV Sources in the Inner Galactic Plane"
S. Abdollahi, F. Acero, A. Acharyya, A. Adelfio, M. Ajello, L. Baldini, J. Ballet, C. Bartolini, J. Becerra Gonzalez, R. Bellazzini, E. Bissaldi, R. Bonino, P. Bruel, R. A. Cameron, P. A. Caraveo, D. Castro, E. Cavazzuti, C. C. Cheung, N. Cibrario, S. Ciprini, G. Cozzolongo, P. Cristarella Orestano, A. Cuoco, S. Cutini, F. D'Ammando, N. Di Lalla, A. Dinesh, L. Di Venere, A. Dom\'inguez, A. Fiori, S. Funk, P. Fusco, F. Gargano, C. Gasbarra, D. Gasparrini, S. Germani, F. Giacchino, N. Giglietto, M. Giliberti, F. Giordano, M. Giroletti, D. Green, I. A. Grenier, L. Guillemot, S. Guiriec, R. Gupta, M. Hashizume, E. Hays, J. W. Hewitt, D. Horan, X. Hou, T. Kayanoki, M. Kuss, A. Laviron, M. Lemoine-Goumard, A. Liguori, J. Li, I. Liodakis, P. Loizzo, F. Longo, F. Loparco, L. Lorusso, M. N. Lovellette, P. Lubrano, S. Maldera, D. Malyshev, G. Mart\'i-Devesa, P. Martin, M. N. Mazziotta, I. Mereu, P. F. Michelson, N. Mirabal, W. Mitthumsiri, T. Mizuno, P. Monti-Guarnieri, M. E. Monzani, A. Morselli, I. V. Moskalenko, M. Negro, N. Omodei, M. Orienti, E. Orlando, D. Paneque, G. Panzarini, M. Persic, M. Pesce-Rollins, R. Pillera, T. A. Porter, S. Rain\`o, R. Rando, M. Razzano, A. Reimer, O. Reimer, M. Rocamora Bernal, M. S\'anchez-Conde, P. M. Saz Parkinson, D. Serini, C. Sgr\`o, E. J. Siskind, D. A. Smith, G. Spandre, P. Spinelli, A. W. Strong, D. J. Suson, H. Tajima, J. B. Thayer, D. F. Torres, J. Valverde, Z. Wadiasingh, K. Wood, G. Zaharijas
"Pulsed and Polarized X-ray Emission from Neutron Star Surfaces"
Matthew G. Baring, Hoa Dinh Thi, George A. Younes, Kun Hu
"Toward Gravitational Lensing in Modified Theories of Gravity"
Ali Tizfahm, Saeed Fakhry, Javad T. Firouzjaee, Antonino Del Popolo
"Proof of Shock-cloud interaction within parts of $\gamma$-Cygni region"
Yuan Li, Gwenael Giacinti, Siming Liu, Yi Xing
"Exploring Waveform Variations among Neutron Star Ray-tracing Codes for Complex Emission Geometries"
Devarshi Choudhury, Anna L. Watts, Alexander J. Dittmann, M. Coleman Miller, Sharon M. Morsink, Tuomo Salmi, Serena Vinciguerra, Slavko Bogdanov, Sebastien Guillot, Michael T. Wolff, Zaven Arzoumanian
"Merger Precursor: Year-long Transients Preceding Mergers of Low-mass Stripped Stars with Compact Objects"
Daichi Tsuna, Samantha C. Wu, Jim Fuller, Yize Dong, Anthony L. Piro
"Neural network method to search for long transient gravitational waves"
Francesca Attadio, Leonardo Ricca, Marco Serra, Cristiano Palomba, Pia Astone, Simone Dall'Osso, Stefano Dal Pra, Sabrina D'Antonio, Matteo Di Giovanni, Luca D'Onofrio, Paola Leaci, Federico Muciaccia, Lorenzo Pierini, Francesco Safai Tehrani
"Flaring gamma-ray emission coincident with a hyperactive fast radio burst source"
Yi Xing, Wenfei Yu, Zhen Yan, Xian Zhang, Bing Zhang
"Chern-Simons Induced Thermal Friction on Axion Domain Walls"
Saquib Hassan, Gaurang Ramakant Kane, John March-Russell, Georges Obied

Pulsar preprints for 11-11-2024

"Prograde and retrograde stars in nuclear cluster mergers. Evolution of the supermassive black hole binary and the host galactic nucleus"
Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti, Pau Amaro Seoane, M\`arius Josep Fullana i Alfonso, Chingis Omarov, Denis Yurin, Maxim Makukov, Gulnara Omarova, Go Ogiya
"Microlensing Events in Five Years of Photometry from the Zwicky Transient Facility"
Ruocheng Zhai, Antonio C. Rodriguez, Shude Mao, Casey Y. Lam, Eric C. Bellm, Josiah Purdum, Frank J. Masci, Avery Wold
"Panning for gold with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory: an optimal strategy for finding the counterparts to gravitational wave events"
R. A. J. Eyles-Ferris, P. A. Evans, A. A. Breeveld, S. B. Cenko, S. Dichiara, J. A. Kennea, N. J. Klingler, N. P. M. Kuin, F. E. Marshall, S. R. Oates, M. J. Page, S. Ronchini, M. H. Siegel, A. Tohuvavohu, S. Campana, V. D'Elia, J. P. Osborne, K. L. Page, M. De Pasquale, E. Troja
"Astrometric Jitter as a Detection Diagnostic for Recoiling and Slingshot Supermassive Black Hole Candidates"
Anavi Uppal, Charlotte Ward, Suvi Gezari, Priyamvada Natarajan, Nianyi Chen, Patrick LaChance, Tiziana Di Matteo
"First Resolution of Microlensed Images of a Binary-Lens Event"
Zexuan Wu, Subo Dong, A. M\'erand, Christopher S. Kochanek, Przemek Mr\'oz, Jinyi Shangguan, Grant Christie, Thiam-Guan Tan, Thomas Bensby, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Sven Buder, Frank Eisenhauer, Andrew P. Gould, Janez Kos, Tim Natusch, Sanjib Sharma, Andrzej Udalski, J. Woillez, David A. H. Buckley, I. B. Thompson, Karim Abd El Dayem, Evelyne Alecian, Anthony Berdeu, Jean-Philippe Berger, Guillaume Bourdarot, Wolfgang Brandner, Richard I. Davies, Denis Defr\`ere, Catherine Dougados, Antonia Drescher, Andreas Eckart, Maximilian Fabricius, Helmut Feuchtgruber, Natascha M. F\"orster Schreiber, Paulo Garcia, Reinhard Genzel, Stefan Gillessen, Gernot Hei{\ss}el, Sebastian H\"onig, Mathis Houlle, Pierre Kervella, Laura Kreidberg, Sylvestre Lacour, Olivier Lai, Romain Laugier, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, James Leftley, Bruno Lopez, Dieter Lutz, Felix Mang, Florentin Millour, Miguel Montarg\`es, Hugo Nowacki, Mathias Nowak, Thomas Ott, Thibaut Paumard, Karine Perraut, Guy Perrin, Romain Petrov, Pierre-Olivier Petrucci, Nicolas Pourre, Sebastian Rabien, Diogo C. Ribeiro, Sylvie Robbe-Dubois, Matteo Sadun Bordoni, Daryl Santos, Jonas Sauter, Jules Scigliuto, Taro T. Shimizu, Christian Straubmeier, Eckhard Sturm, Matthias Subroweit, Calvin Sykes, Linda Tacconi, Fr\'ed\'eric Vincent, Felix Widmann
"The effects of data gaps on ringdown signals with space-based joint observation"
Junxi Shi, Jiageng Jiao, Jingqi Lai, ZhiXiang Li, Caiying Shao, Yu Tian
"A neural networks method to search for long transient gravitational waves"
Francesca Attadio, Leonardo Ricca, Marco Serra, Cristiano Palomba, Pia Astone, Simone Dall'Osso, Stefano Dal Pra, Sabrina D'Antonio, Matteo Di Giovanni, Luca D'Onofrio, Paola Leaci, Federico Muciaccia, Lorenzo Pierini, Francesco Safai Tehrani
"Revisiting the Intrabinary Shock Model for Millisecond Pulsar Binaries: Radiative Losses and Long-Term Variability"
Jaegeun Park (Chungbuk National University), Chanho Kim (Chungbuk National University), Hongjun An (Chungbuk National University), Zorawar Wadiasingh (University of Maryland College Park)
"Flea on the elephant: Tidal Love numbers in subsolar primordial black hole searches"
Valerio De Luca, Gabriele Franciolini, Antonio Riotto
"Echoes from Beyond: Detecting Gravitational Wave Quantum Imprints with LISA"
Nils Deppe, Lavinia Heisenberg, Henri Inchausp\'e, Lawrence E. Kidder, David Maibach, Sizheng Ma, Jordan Moxon, Kyle C. Nelli, William Throwe, Nils L. Vu
"Open Cluster Dynamics under the Influence of Outflow-Ambient Interactions"
Muxin Liu, Lile Wang, Xiaoting Fu, Luis C. Ho
"Reconstructing the Genealogy of LIGO-Virgo Black Holes"
Parthapratim Mahapatra, Debatri Chattopadhyay, Anuradha Gupta, Fabio Antonini, Marc Favata, B. S. Sathyaprakash, K. G. Arun
"The first catalog of candidate white dwarf-main sequence binaries in open star clusters: A new window into common envelope evolution"
Steffani M. Grondin, Maria R. Drout, Jason Nordhaus, Philip S. Muirhead, Joshua S. Speagle, Ryan Chornock
"Bounds on the charge of the graviton using gravitational wave observations"
Sreejith Nair, Aditya Vijaykumar, Sudipta Sarkar
"$G_{3}$ -- interacting scalar tensor dark energy"
Masroor C. Pookkillath, Nandan Roy

Pulsar preprints for 07-11-2024

"Constraining tensor-to-scalar ratio based on VLBI observations: PGWs induced-incoherence approach"
Fateme Shojaei Arani, Malek Bagheri Harouni, Brahim Lamine, Alain Blanchard
"The spectral density of astrophysical stochastic backgrounds"
Enis Belgacem, Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Maggiore, Michele Mancarella, Niccol\`o Muttoni
"The Pulsar Science Collaboratory: Multi-Epoch Scintillation Studies of Pulsars"
Jacob E. Turner, Juan G. Lebron Medina, Zachary Zelensky, Kathleen A. Gustavso, Jeffrey Marx, Manvith Kothapalli, Luis D. Cruz Vega, Alexander Lee, Caryelis B. Figueroa, Daniel E. Reichart, Joshua B. Haislip, Vladimir V. Kouprianov, Steve White, Frank Ghigo, Sue Ann Heatherly, Maura A. McLaughlin
"Explaining Non-Merger Gamma-Ray Bursts and Broad-Lined Supernovae with Close Binary Progenitors with Black Hole Central Engine"
Christopher L. Fryer, Eric Burns, Anna Y. Q. Ho, Alessandra Corsi, Amy Y. Lien, Daniel A. Perley, Jada L. Vail, V. Ashley Villar

Pulsar preprints for 06-11-2024

"A fast radio burst localized at detection to an edge-on galaxy using very-long-baseline interferometry"
Tomas Cassanelli, Calvin Leung, Pranav Sanghavi, Juan Mena-Parra, Savannah Cary, Ryan Mckinven, Mohit Bhardwaj, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Daniele Michilli, Kevin Bandura, Shami Chatterjee, Jeffrey B. Peterson, Jane Kaczmarek, Chitrang Patel, Mubdi Rahman, Kaitlyn Shin, Keith Vanderlinde, Sabrina Berger, Charanjot Brar, P. J. Boyle, Daniela Breitman, Pragya Chawla, Alice P. Curtin, Matt Dobbs, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Emmanuel Fonseca, B. M. Gaensler, Adaeze Ibik, Victoria M. Kaspi, Khairy Kholoud, Adam E. Lanman, Mattias Lazda, Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Jing Luo, Bradley W. Meyers, Nikola Milutinovic, Cherry Ng, Gavin Noble, Aaron B. Pearlman, Ue-Li Pen, Emily Petroff, Ziggy Pleunis, Brendan Quine, Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Andre Renard, Ketan R. Sand, Eve Schoen, Paul Scholz, Kendrick M. Smith, Ingrid Stairs, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar
"Winds of change: why binary black hole formation is metallicity dependent, while binary neutron star formation is not"
L. A. C. van Son, S. K. Roy, I. Mandel, W. M. Farr, A. Lam, J. Merritt, F. S. Broekgaarden, A. Sander, J. J. Andrews
"Broad-band X-ray spectral and timing properties of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J17498$-$2921 during the 2023 outburst"
Zhaosheng Li, L. Kuiper, Y. Y. Pan, M. Falanga, J. Poutanen, Y. P. Chen, R. X. Xu, M. Y. Ge, Y. Huang, L. M. Song, S. Zhang, F. J. Lu, S. N. Zhang
"Model-independent cosmology with joint observations of gravitational waves and $\gamma$-ray bursts"
Andrea Cozzumbo, Ulyana Dupletsa, Rodrigo Calder\'on, Riccardo Murgia, Gor Oganesyan, Marica Branchesi
"Poynting flux transport channels formed in polar cap regions of neutron star magnetospheres"
Jan Ben\'a\v{c}ek, Andrey Timokhin, Patricio A. Mu\~noz, Axel Jessner, Tatiana Rievajov\'a, Martin Pohl, J\"org B\"uchner
"Cosmology with Binary Neutron Stars: Does the Redshift Evolution of the Mass Function Matter?"
Soumendra Kishore Roy, Lieke A. C. van Son, Anarya Ray, Will M. Farr
"Enhancing search pipelines for short gravitational wave transients with Gaussian mixture modelling"
Leigh Smith, Sayantan Ghosh, Jiyoon Sun, V. Gayathri, Ik Siong Heng, Archana Pai
"INTEGRAL search for magnetar giant flares from the Virgo Cluster and in nearby galaxies with high star formation rate"
Dominik P. Pacholski, Edoardo Arrigoni, Sandro Mereghetti, Ruben Salvaterra
"Irregularly Sampled Time Series Interpolation for Detailed Binary Evolution Simulations"
Philipp M. Srivastava, Ugur Demir, Aggelos Katsaggelos, Vicky Kalogera, Elizabeth Teng, Tassos Fragos, Jeff J. Andrews, Simone S. Bavera, Max Briel, Seth Gossage, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Matthias U. Kruckow, Camille Liotine, Kyle A. Rocha, Meng Sun, Zepei Xing, Emmanouil Zapartas
"Multiwavelength study of 1eRASS J085039.9-421151 with eROSITA NuSTAR and X-shooter"
Aafia Zainab, Artur Avakyan, Victor Doroshenko, Philipp Thalhammer, Ekaterina Sokolova-Lapa, Ralf Ballhausen, Nicolas Zalot, Jakob Stierhof, Steven Haemmerich, Camille M. Diez, Philipp Weber, Thomas Dauser, Katrin Berger, Peter Kretschmar, Katja Pottschmidt, Pragati Pradhan, Nazma Islam, Chandreyee Maitra, Joel B. Coley, Pere Blay, Robin H. D. Corbet, Richard E. Rothschild, Kent Wood, Andrea Santangelo, Ulrich Heber, Joern Wilms
"Precision measurements of the magnetic parameters of LISA Pathfinder test masses"
M Armano, H Audley, J Baird, P Binetruy, M Born, D Bortoluzzi, E Castelli, A Cavalleri, A Cesarini, A M Cruise, K Danzmann, M De Deus Silva, I Diepholz, G Dixon, R Dolesi, L Ferraioli, V Ferroni, E D Fitzsimons, M Freschi, L Gesa, D Giardini, F Gibert, R Giusteri, C Grimani, J Grzymisch, I Harrison, M S Hartig, G Heinzel, M Hewitson, D Hollington, D Hoyland, M Hueller, H Inchausp\'e, O Jennrich, P Jetzer, N Karnesis, B Kaune, N Korsakova, C J Killow, L Liu, J A Lobo, J P L\'opez-Zaragoza, R Maarschalkerweerd, D Mance, V Mart\'in, J Martino, L Martin-Polo, F Martin-Porqueras, P W McNamara, J Mendes, L Mendes, N Meshksar, M Nofrarias, S Paczkowski, M Perreur-Lloyd, A Petiteau, P Pivato, E Plagnol, J Ramos-Castro, J Reiche, F Rivas, D I Robertson, G Russano, L Sala, D Serrano, J Slutsky, C F Sopuerta, T Sumner, D Texier, J I Thorpe, D Vetrugno, S Vitale, G Wanner, H Ward, P Wass, W J Weber, L Wissel, A Wittchen, P Zweifel
"Simultaneous Optical and X-ray Detection of a Thermonuclear Burst in the 2024 Outburst of EXO 0748-676"
Amy H. Knight, Lauren Rhodes, Douglas J. K. Buisson, James H. Matthews, Noel Castro Segura, Adam Ingram, Matthew Middleton, Timothy P. Roberts
"Axion Astrophysics"
Pierluca Carenza, Maurizio Giannotti, Jordi Isern, Alessandro Mirizzi, Oscar Straniero
"The Wide Field Monitor (WFM) of the China-Europe eXTP (enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry) mission"
Margarita Hernanz, Marco Feroci, Yuri Evangelista, Aline Meuris, St\'ephane Schanne, Gianluigi Zampa, Chris Tenzer, J\"org Bayer, Witold Nowosielski, Malgorzata Michalska, Emrah Kalemci, M\"uberra Sungur, S{\o}ren Brandt, Irfan Kuvvetli, Daniel Alvarez Franco, Alex Carmona, Jos\'e-Luis G\'alvez, Alessandro Patruno, Jean in' t Zand, Frans Zwart, Andrea Santangelo, Enrico Bozzo, Shuang-Nan Zhang, Fangjun Lu, Yupeng Xu, Riccardo Campana, Ettore Del Monte, Francesco Ceraudo, Alessio Nuti, Giovanni Della Casa, Andrea Argan, Gabriele Minervini, Matias Antonelli, Valter Bonvicini, Mirko Boezio, Daniela Cirrincione, Riccardo Munini, Alexandre Rachevski, Andrea Vacchi, Nicola Zampa, Irina Rashevskaya, Francesco Ficorella, Antonino Picciotto, Nicola Zorzi, David Baudin, Florent Bouyjou, Olivier Gevin, Olivier Limousin, Paul Hedderman, Samuel Pliego, Hao Xiong, Rob de la Rie, Phillip Laubert, Gabby Aitink-Kroes, Lucien Kuiper, Piotr Orleanski, Konrad Skup, Denis Tcherniak, Onur Turhan, Ayhan Bozkurt, Ahmet Onat
"Combining strongly lensed and unlensed fast radio bursts: to be a more precise late-universe probe"
Ji-Guo Zhang, Yi-Fan Jiang, Ze-Wei Zhao, Jing-Zhao Qi, Jing-Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang
"Magnetic-induced force noise in LISA Pathfinder free-falling test masses"
M Armano, H Audley, J Baird, P Binetruy, M Born, D Bortoluzzi, E Castelli, A Cavalleri, A Cesarini, A M Cruise, K Danzmann, M De Deus Silva, I Diepholz, G Dixon, R Dolesi, L Ferraioli, V Ferroni, E D Fitzsimons, M Freschi, L Gesa, D Giardini, F Gibert, R Giusteri, C Grimani, J Grzymisch, I Harrison, M S Hartig, G Heinzel, M Hewitson, D Hollington, D Hoyland, M Hueller, H Inchausp\'e, O Jennrich, P Jetzer, N Karnesis, B Kaune, N Korsakova, C J Killow, L Liu, J A Lobo, J P L\'opez-Zaragoza, R Maarschalkerweerd, D Mance, V Mart\'in, J Martino, L Martin-Polo, F Martin-Porqueras, P W McNamara, J Mendes, L Mendes, N Meshksar, M Nofrarias, S Paczkowski, M Perreur-Lloyd, A Petiteau, P Pivato, E Plagnol, J Ramos-Castro, J Reiche, F Rivas, D I Robertson, G Russano, L Sala, D Serrano, J Slutsky, C F Sopuerta, T Sumner, D Texier, J I Thorpe, D Vetrugno, S Vitale, G Wanner, H Ward, P Wass, W J Weber, L Wissel, A Wittchen, P Zweifel
"A-STEP: The AstroPix Sounding Rocket Technology Demonstration Payload"
Daniel P. Violette, Amanda Steinhebel, Abhradeep Roy, Ryan Boggs, Regina Caputo, David Durachka, Yasushi Fukazawa, Masaki Hashizume, Scott Hesh, Manoj Jadhav, Carolyn Kierans, Kavic Kumar, Shin Kushima, Richard Leys, Jessica Metcalfe, Zachary Metzler, Norito Nakano, Ivan Peric, Jeremy Perkins, Lindsey Seo, K. W. Taylor Shin, Nicolas Striebig, Yusuke Suda, Hiroyasu Tajima
"Characterizing the effects of pulse shape changes on pulsar timing precision"
Ross J. Jennings, James M. Cordes, Shami Chatterjee
"Quantum gravity phenomenology and the blackbody radiation"
R. Turcati, I. Soares, S. B. Duarte
"Cosmic Strings from Tribrid Inflation"
Stefan Antusch, Katarina Trailovi\'c
"Neutron stars in the bumblebee theory of gravity"
Peixiang Ji, Zhuhai Li, Lirui Yang, Rui Xu, Zexin Hu, Lijing Shao

Pulsar preprints for 05-11-2024

"Induced Compton scattering in magnetized electron and positron pair plasma"
Rei Nishiura, Shoma F. Kamijima, Masanori Iwamoto, Kunihito Ioka
"Prospects for optical detections from binary neutron star mergers with the next-generation multi-messenger observatories"
E. Loffredo, N. Hazra, U. Dupletsa, M. Branchesi, S. Ronchini, F. Santoliquido, A. Perego, B. Banerjee, S. Bisero, G. Ricigliano, S. Vergani, I. Andreoni, M. Cantiello, J. Harms, M. Mapelli, G. Oganesyan
"Post-merger gravitational wave signals from binary neutron stars: Effect of the magnetic field"
Jamie Bamber, Antonios Tsokaros, Milton Ruiz, Stuart L. Shapiro
"Impact of chaotic magnetic field on mass-radius relation of rotating neutron stars"
Muhammad Lawrence Pattersons, Freddy Permana Zen, Getbogi Hikmawan
"Elementary considerations on gravitational waves from hyperbolic encounters"
Martin Teuscher, Aur\'elien Barrau, Killian Martineau
"POSYDON Version 2: Population Synthesis with Detailed Binary-Evolution Simulations across a Cosmological Range of Metallicities"
Jeff J. Andrews, Simone S. Bavera, Max Briel, Abhishek Chattaraj, Aaron Dotter, Tassos Fragos, Monica Gallegos-Garcia, Seth Gossage, Vicky Kalogera, Eirini Kasdagli, Aggelos Katsaggelos, Chase Kimball, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Matthias U. Kruckow, Camille Liotine, Devina Misra, Kyle A. Rocha, Dimitris Souropanis, Philipp M. Srivastava, Meng Sun, Elizabeth Teng, Zepei Xing, Emmanouil Zapartas, Michael Zevin
"Masking equation of state effects in binary neutron star mergers"
Antonios Tsokaros, Jamie Bamber, Milton Ruiz, Stuart L. Shapiro
"Lower-mass-gap Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters"
Claire S. Ye (CITA), Kyle Kremer, Scott M. Ransom, Frederic A. Rasio
"Searching for orbital period modulation in X-ray observations of the symbiotic X-ray binary GX 1+4"
Moritz Klawin, Lorenzo Ducci, M. Mirac Serim, Andrea Santangelo, Carlo Ferrigno, Enrico Bozzo
"Multiwavelength coverage of the 2024 periastron passage of PSR B1259-63 / LS 2883"
M. Chernyakova, D. Malyshev, B. van Soelen, A. Finn Galagher, N. Matchett, T. D. Russell, J. van den Eijnden, M. E. Lower, S. Johnston, S. Tsygankov, A. Salganik, Iu. Shebalkova
"Incidence of afterglow plateaus in gamma-ray bursts associated with binary neutron star mergers"
Luca Guglielmi, Giulia Stratta, Simone Dall'Osso, Paramvir Singh, Marcella Brusa, Rosalba Perna

Pulsar preprints for 04-11-2024

"Characterizing the effects of pulse shape changes on pulsar timing precision"
Ross J. Jennings, James M. Cordes, Shami Chatterjee
"Probing magneto-ionic microstructure towards the Vela pulsar using a prototype SKA-Low station"
C. P. Lee, N. D. R. Bhat, M. Sokolowski, B. W. Meyers, A. Magro
"X-ray and Radio Campaign of the Z-source GX 340+0 II: the X-ray polarization in the normal branch"
Yash Bhargava, Thomas D. Russell, Mason Ng, Arvind Balasubramanian, Liang Zhang, Swati Ravi, Vishal Jadoliya, Sudip Bhattacharyya, Mayukh Pahari, Jeroen Homan, Herman L. Marshall, Deepto Chakrabarty, Francesco Carotenuto, Aman Kaushik
"Ultraluminous X-ray sources with He star companions"
Luhan Li, Bo Wang, Dongdong Liu, Yunlang Guo, Wen-Cong Chen, Zhanwen Han
"A Fast Radio Burst monitor with a Compact All-Sky Phased Array (CASPA)"
R. Luo, R. D. Ekers, G. Hobbs, A. Dunning, C. W. James, M. E. Lower, V. Gupta, A. Zic, M. Sokolowski, C. Phillips, A. T. Deller, L. Staveley-Smith
"On the Formation of the Double Neutron Star Binary PSR J1846-0513"
Long Jiang, Kun Xu, Shuai Zha, Yun-Lang Guo, Jian-Ping Yuan, Xiang-Li Qian, Wen-Cong Chen, Na Wang
"Cross-Correlating the Universe: The Gravitational Wave Background and Large-Scale Structure"
Federico Semenzato, J. Andrew Casey-Clyde, Chiara M. F. Mingarelli, Alvise Raccanelli, Nicola Bellomo, Nicola Bartolo, Daniele Bertacca

Pulsar preprints for 31-10-2024

"Investigating the Electroweak Phase Transition with a Real Scalar Singlet at a Muon Collider"
Mohamed Aboudonia, Csaba Balazs, Andreas Papaefstathiou, Graham White
"Templated Anisotropic Analyses of the LISA Galactic Foreground"
Alexander W. Criswell, Steven Rieck, Vuk Mandic
"General relativistic viscous accretion flow around Konoplya-Zhidenko black hole"
Subhankar Patra, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi, Santabrata Das
"Quarkyonic matter pieces together the hyperon puzzle"
Yuki Fujimoto, Toru Kojo, Larry McLerran
"The high-energy cyclotron line in 2S 1417-624 discovered with Insight-HXMT during the 2018 outburst"
Q. Liu, A. Santangelo, L. D. Kong, L. Ducci, L. Ji, W. Wang, M. M. Serim, C. G\"ung\"or, Y. L. Tuo, D. Serim
"Possibility of quantum Hall effect in neutron star environment: A chiral model approach"
Dani Rose J Marattukalam, Ashutosh Dwibedi, Sourodeep De, Sabyasachi Ghosh
"A Star Cluster Population of High Mass Black Hole Mergers in Gravitational Wave Data"
Fabio Antonini, Isobel M. Romero-Shaw, Thomas Callister
"Scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Infrared causality and detectability of GW observations"
Wen-Kai Nie, Lin-Tao Tan, Jun Zhang, Shuang-Yong Zhou

Pulsar preprints for 30-10-2024

"Projected gravitational wave constraints on primordial black hole abundance for extended mass distributions"
Gabriel Luis Dizon (National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines - Diliman, Philippines), Reinabelle Reyes (National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines - Diliman, Philippines)
"Gravitational Waves from Phase Transitions"
Djuna Croon, David J. Weir
"Unveiling the nature of SN 2022jli: the first double-peaked stripped-envelope supernova showing periodic undulations and dust emission at late times"
R\'egis Cartier, Carlos Contreras, Maximilian Stritzinger, Mario Hamuy, Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente, Jose L. Prieto, Joseph P. Anderson, Aleksandar Cikota, Matthias Gerlach
"Bow Shock and Local Bubble Plasma Unveiled by the Scintillating Millisecond Pulsar J0437$-$4715"
Daniel J. Reardon, Robert Main, Stella Koch Ocker, Ryan M. Shannon, Matthew Bailes, Fernando Camilo, Marisa Geyer, Andrew Jameson, Michael Kramer, Aditya Parthasarathy, Ren\'ee Spiewak, Willem van Straten, Vivek Venkatraman Krishnan
"Steepest Growth in the Primordial Power Spectrum from Excited States at a Sudden Transition"
Mattia Cielo, Gianpiero Mangano, Ofelia Pisanti, David Wands
"Variable structures in the stellar wind of the HMXB Vela X-1"
L. Abalo, P. Kretschmar, F. F\"urst, C. M. Diez, I. El Mellah, V. Grinberg, M. Guainazzi, S. Mart\'inez-N\'u\~nez, A. Manousakis, R. Amato, M. Zhou, M. W. Beijersbergen
"Vortex Avalanches and Collective Motion in Neutron Stars"
I-Kang Liu, Andrew W. Baggaley, Carlo F. Barenghi, Toby S. Wood
"Gravitational Magnus effect from scalar dark matter"
Zipeng Wang, Thomas Helfer, Dina Traykova, Katy Clough, Emanuele Berti
"A data-driven approach for modeling the temporal and spectral evolution of kilonova systematic uncertainties"
Sahil Jhawar, Thibeau Wouters, Peter T. H. Pang, Mattia Bulla, Michael W. Coughlin, Tim Dietrich
"Pulsar timing methods for evaluating dispersion measure time series"
F. Iraci, A. Chalumeau, C. Tiburzi, J. P. W. Verbiest, A. Possenti, G. M. Shaifullah, S. C. Susarla, M. A. Krishnakumar, M. T. Lam, H. T. Cromartie, M. Kerr, Jean-Mathias Grie{\ss}meier
"Temporal and spectral variations of the X-ray pulsar Cen X-3 observed by NuSTAR"
Qi Liu, Wei Wang, Andrea Santangelo, Lingda Kong, Long Ji, Lorenzo Ducci
"Characterization of a peculiar Einstein Probe transient EP240408a: an exotic gamma-ray burst or an abnormal jetted tidal disruption event?"
B. O'Connor, D. Pasham, I. Andreoni, J. Hare, P. Beniamini, E. Troja, R. Ricci, D. Dobie, J. Chakraborty, M. Ng, N. Klingler, V. Karambelkar, S. Rose, S. Schulze, G. Ryan, S. Dichiara, I. Monageng, D. Buckley, L. Hu, G. Srinivasaragavan, G. Bruni, T. Cabrera, S. B. Cenko, H. van Eerten, J. Freeburn, E. Hammerstein, M. Kasliwal, C. Kouveliotou, K. Kunnumkai, J. K. Leung, A. Lien, A. Palmese, T. Sakamoto
"A 34-Year Timing Solution of the Redback Millisecond Pulsar Terzan 5A"
Alexandra C. Rosenthal, Scott M. Ransom, Kyle A. Corcoran, Megan E. DeCesar, Paolo C. C. Freire, Jason W. T. Hessels, Michael J. Keith, Ryan S. Lynch, Andrew Lyne, David J. Nice, Ingrid H. Stairs, Ben Stappers, Jay Strader, Stephen E. Thorsett, Ryan Urquhart
"Pi in the Sky: Neutron Stars with Exceptionally Light QCD Axions"
Mia Kumamoto, Junwu Huang, Christian Drischler, Masha Baryakhtar, Sanjay Reddy
"Numerical analysis of melting domain walls and their gravitational waves"
I. Dankovsky, S. Ramazanov, E. Babichev, D. Gorbunov, A. Vikman
"Energy-dependent flavour ratios in neutrino telescopes from charm"
Atri Bhattacharya, Rikard Enberg, Mary Hall Reno, Ina Sarcevic
"The Proper Motion of the High Galactic Latitude Pulsar Calvera"
Michela Rigoselli, Sandro Mereghetti, Jules P. Halpern, Eric V. Gotthelf, Cees G. Bassa
"A deconstruction of methods to derive one-point lensing statistics"
Viviane Alfradique, Tiago Castro, Valerio Marra, Miguel Quartin, Carlo Giocoli, Pierluigi Monaco

Pulsar preprints for 29-10-2024

"How to Escape from a Trap: Outcomes of Repeated Black Hole Mergers in AGN"
Shmuel Gilbaum, Evgeni Grishin, Nicholas C. Stone, Ilya Mandel
"Impacts of Black-Hole-Forming Supernova Explosions on the Diffuse Neutrino Background"
Ken'ichiro Nakazato, Ryuichiro Akaho, Yosuke Ashida, Takuji Tsujimoto
"No evidence for gamma-ray emission from the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy"
Christopher Eckner, Silvia Manconi, Francesca Calore
"Breaking black-hole uniqueness at supermassive scales"
Astrid Eichhorn, Pedro G. S. Fernandes, Aaron Held, Hector O. Silva
"wolensing: A Python package for computing the amplification factor for gravitational waves with wave-optics effects"
Simon M. C. Yeung, Mark H. Y. Cheung, Miguel Zumalacarregui, Otto A. Hannuksela
"SN 2023ixf -- an average-energy explosion with circumstellar medium and a precursor"
Alexandra Kozyreva, Andrea Caputo, Petr Baklanov, Alexey Mironov, Hans-Thomas Janka
"Resonant shattering flares as asteroseismic tests of chiral effective field theory"
Duncan Neill, David Tsang, Christian Drischler, Jeremy W. Holt, William G. Newton
"Analyzing the dense matter equation of states in the light of the compact object HESS J1731-347"
Skund Tewari, Sagnik Chatterjee, Deepak Kumar, Ritam Mallick
"Examining the Relationship Between the Persistent Emission and the Accretion Rate During a Type I X-ray Burst"
J. Speicher (Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology), D. R. Ballantyne (Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology), P. C. Fragile (Department of Physics & Astronomy, College of Charleston)
"Mass-gap Black Holes in Coalescing Neutron Star Black Hole Binaries"
Zepei Xing, Vicky Kalogera, Tassos Fragos, Jeff J. Andrews, Simone S. Bavera, Max Briel, Seth Gossage, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Matthias U. Kruckow, Kyle A. Rocha, Meng Sun, Philipp M. Srivastava, Emmanouil Zapartas
"Studying the variations of the cyclotron line in Cen X-3 using Insight-HXMT"
Qi Liu, Wei Wang, Wen Yang, Xiao Chen, Hanji Wu
"Chern-Simons Induced Thermal Friction on Axion Domain Walls"
Saquib Hassan, Gaurang Ramakant Kane, John March-Russell, Georges Obied
"Search for exotic gravitational wave signals beyond general relativity using deep learning"
Yu-Xin Wang, Xiaotong Wei, Chun-Yue Li, Tian-Yang Sun, Shang-Jie Jin, He Wang, Jing-Lei Cui, Jing-Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang
"Influence of neutrino-electron scattering and neutrino-pair annihilation on hypermassive neutron star"
Patrick Chi-Kit Cheong, Francois Foucart, Harry Ho-Yin Ng, Arthur Offermans, Matthew D. Duez, Nishad Muhammed, Pavan Chawhan
"Exploring pulsar timing precision: A comparative study of polarization calibration methods for NANOGrav data from the Green Bank Telescope"
Lankeswar Dey, Maura A. McLaughlin, Haley M. Wahl, Paul B. Demorest, Zaven Arzoumanian, Harsha Blumer, Paul R. Brook, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, H. Thankful Cromartie, Megan E. DeCesar, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Robert D. Ferdman, Elizabeth C. Ferrara, William Fiore, Emmanuel Fonseca, Nate Garver-Daniels, Peter A. Gentile, Joseph Glaser, Deborah C. Good, Ross J. Jennings, Megan L. Jones, Michael T. Lam, Duncan R. Lorimer, Jing Luo, Ryan S. Lynch, Cherry Ng, David J. Nice, Timothy T. Pennucci, Nihan S. Pol, Scott M. Ransom, Ren\'ee Spiewak, Ingrid H. Stairs, Kevin Stovall, Joseph K. Swiggum
"Eccentric Signatures of Stellar-Mass Binary Black Holes with Circumbinary Disks in LISA"
Isobel M. Romero-Shaw, Samir Goorachurn, Magdalena Siwek, Christopher J. Moore
"Simulating the Galactic population of axion clouds around stellar-origin black holes: Gravitational wave signals in the 10-100 kHz band"
Jacob R. Sprague, Shane L. Larson, Zhiyuan Wang, Shelby Klomp, Andrew Laeuger, George Winstone, Nancy Aggarwal, Andrew A. Geraci, Vicky Kalogera
"Impact of chaotic magnetic field on mass-radius relation of rotating neutron stars"
Muhammad Lawrence Pattersons, Freddy Permana Zen, Getbogi Hikmawan
"Accelerated Bayesian parameter estimation and model selection for gravitational waves with normalizing flows"
Alicja Polanska, Thibeau Wouters, Peter T. H. Pang, Kaze K. W. Wong, Jason D. McEwen
"Neutrino mean free path in neutron stars in the presence of hyperons"
Jesper Leong, Parada T. P. Hutauruk, Anthony W. Thomas
"Constraining gravitational-wave backgrounds from conversions into photons in the Galactic magnetic field"
Alessandro Lella, Francesca Calore, Pierluca Carenza, Alessandro Mirizzi
"Intermediate mass ratio inspirals in dark matter halos"
Darkhan Shadykul, Hrishikesh Chakrabarty, Daniele Malafarina


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