Pulsar preprints for 20-01-2025

"Observation of discontinuities in the periodic modulation of PSR B1828-11"
Adriana Dias, Gregory Ashton, Julianna Ostrovska, David Ian Jones, Michael Keith
"Mining the time axis with TRON. I. Millisecond pulsars in Omega Centauri, Terzan 5 and 47 Tucanae detected through MeerKAT interferometric imaging"
Oleg M. Smirnov, Ian Heywood, Marisa Geyer, Talon Myburgh, Cyril Tasse, Jonathan S. Kenyon, Simon J. Perkins, James Dawson, Hertzog L. Bester, Joe S. Bright, Buntu Ngcebetsha, Nadeem Oozeer, Victoria G. G. Samboco, Isaac Sihlangu, Carmen Choza, Andrew P. V. Siemion
"Modular global-fit pipeline for LISA data analysis"
Senwen Deng, Stanislav Babak, Maude Le Jeune, Sylvain Marsat, \'Eric Plagnol, Andrea Sartirana
"The anti-aligned spin of GW191109: glitch mitigation and its implications"
Rhiannon Udall, Sophie Hourihane, Simona Miller, Derek Davis, Katerina Chatziioannou, Max Isi, Howard Deshong
"Environmental effects in extreme mass ratio inspirals: perturbations to the environment in Kerr"
Conor Dyson, Thomas F. M. Spieksma, Richard Brito, Maarten van de Meent, Sam Dolan
"Cyclical accretion regime change in the slow X-ray pulsar 4U 0114+65 observed with Chandra"
Graciela Sanjurjo-Ferr\'in, Jose Miguel Torrej\'on, Konstantin Postnov, Michael Nowak, Jose Joaqu\'in Rodes-Roca, Lida Oskinova, Jessica Planelles-Villalva, Norbert Schulz