Pulsar preprints for 28-11-2024

"New constraints on the central mass contents of Omega Centauri from combined stellar kinematics and pulsar timing"
Andr\'es Ba\~nares-Hern\'andez, Francesca Calore, Jorge Martin Camalich, Justin I. Read
"Scintillation Bandwidth Measurements from 23 Pulsars from the AO327 Survey"
Sofia Z. Sheikh, Grayce C. Brown, Jackson MacTaggart, Thomas Nguyen, William D. Fletcher, Brenda L. Jones, Emma Koller, Veronica Petrus, Katie F. Pighini, Gray Rosario, Vincent A. Smedile, Adam T. Stone, Shawn You, Maura A. McLaughlin, Jacob E. Turner, Julia S. Deneva, Michael T. Lam, Brent J. Shapiro-Albert
"de Broglie scale time delays in pulsar networks for ultralight dark matter"
Andrew Eberhardt, Qiuyue Liang, Elisa G. M. Ferreira
"Timing analysis of rotating radio transients discovered with MeerKAT"
Thulo Letsele, Mechiel Christiaan Bezuidenhout, the MeerTRAP collaboration
"Multiwavelength Constraints on the Origin of a Nearby Repeating Fast Radio Burst Source in a Globular Cluster"
Aaron B. Pearlman, Paul Scholz, Suryarao Bethapudi, Jason W. T. Hessels, Victoria M. Kaspi, Franz Kirsten, Kenzie Nimmo, Laura G. Spitler, Emmanuel Fonseca, Bradley W. Meyers, Ingrid H. Stairs, Chia Min Tan, Mohit Bhardwaj, Shami Chatterjee, Amanda M. Cook, Alice P. Curtin, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Tarraneh Eftekhari, B. M. Gaensler, Tolga G\"uver, Jane Kaczmarek, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Daniele Michilli, Thomas A. Prince, Ketan R. Sand, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick M. Smith, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar
"High density symmetry energy: A key to the solution of the hyperon puzzle"
Jun-Ting Ye, Rui Wang, Si-Pei Wang, Lie-Wen Chen
"The fate of EMRI-IMRI pairs in AGN accretion disks: hydrodynamic and three body simulations"
Peng Peng, Alessia Franchini, Matteo Bonetti, Alberto Sesana, Xian Chen
"Prospect of unraveling the first-order phase transition in neutron stars with $f$ and $p_1$ modes"
Pratik Thakur, Sagnik Chatterjee, Kamal Krishna Nath, Ritam Mallick
"LISA test-mass charging. Particle flux modeling, Monte Carlo simulations and induced effects on the sensitivity of the observatory"
Francesco Dimiccoli, Rita Dolesi, Michele Fabi, Valerio Ferroni, Catia Grimani, Martina Muratore, Paolo Sarra, Mattia Villani, William Joseph Weber
"First characterisation of the MAGO cavity, a superconducting RF detector for kHz-MHz gravitational waves"
Lars Fischer, Bianca Giaccone, Ivan Gonin, Anna Grassellino, Wolfgang Hillert, Timergali Khabiboulline, Tom Krokotsch, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Andrea Muhs, Yuriy Orlov, Krisztian Peters, Sam Posen, Oleg Pronitchev, Marc Wenskat
"X-ray and gamma-ray timing of GRB 180720B, GRB 181222B, GRB 211211A and GRB 220910A observed with Fermi and ASIM"
M. D. Caballero-Garcia, E. Gogus, J. Navarro-Gonzalez, M. Uzuner, A. J. Castro-Tirado, S. B. Pandey, Rahul Gupta, A. K. Ror, Y. D. Hu, S. Y. Wu, R. Sanchez-Ramirez, S. Guziy, F. Christiansen, P. H. Connell, T. Neubert, N. Ostgaard, J. E. Adsuara, F. J. Gordillo-Vazquez, E. Fernandez-Garcia, I. Perez-Garcia, V. Reglero
"The importance of binary stars"
Henri M. J. Boffin, David Jones
"X-ray polarization from accretion disk winds"
Anagha P. Nitindala, Alexandra Veledina, Juri Poutanen