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Pulsar preprints for 29-01-2025
Submitted by
Astro-ph Robot
on Wed, 01/29/2025 - 20:47
Tackling artefacts in the timing of relativistic pulsar binaries: towards the SKA
Huanchen Hu, Nataliya K. Porayko, Willem van Straten, Michael Kramer, David J. Champion, Michael J. Keith
Multi-Messenger and Cosmological Constraints on Dark Matter through Two-Fluid Neutron Star Modeling
Ankit Kumar, Sudhakantha Girmohanta, Hajime Sotani
Detection of extended X-ray emission surrounding PSR B0656+14 with eROSITA
Shu Niu (PMO), Qiang Yuan (PMO, USTC), Shui-Nai Zhang (PMO, USTC), Lei Lei (PMO, USTC), Li Ji (PMO, USTC), Yi-Zhong Fan (PMO, USTC)
Search for the non-linearities of gravitational wave background in NANOGrav 15-year data set
Jun-Qian Jiang, Yun-Song Piao
Observing Hot Holographic Quark Star With Gravitational Waves
Le-Feng Chen, Heng-Yi Yuan, Meng-Hua Zhou, Kun Lu, Jing-Yi Wu, Kilar Zhang
Gravitational wave inference of star cluster properties from intermediate-mass black hole mergers
Konstantinos Kritos, Luca Reali, Ken K. Y. Ng, Fabio Antonini, Emanuele Berti
High Frequency Gravitational Wave Bounds from Galactic Neutron Stars
Virgile Dandoy, Toni Bert\'olez-Mart\'inez, Francesco Costa
Extraction of gravitational wave signals from LISA data in the presence of artifacts
Eleonora Castelli, Quentin Baghi, John G. Baker, Jacob Slutsky, J\'er\^ome Bobin, Nikolaos Karnesis, Antoine Petiteau, Orion Sauter, Peter Wass, William J. Weber
Gravitational Waves from a Gauge Field Non-minimally Coupled to Gravity
Jian-Feng He, Chengjie Fu, Kai-Ge Zhang, Zong-Kuan Guo
The thermal index of neutron-star matter in the virial approximation
Giuseppe Rivieccio, Adriana Nadal-Matosas, Arnau Rios, Milton Ruiz
Cosmological gravitational particle production and its implications for cosmological relics
Edward W. Kolb, Andrew J. Long
Primordial Black Holes and Wormholes from Domain Wall Networks
Yann Gouttenoire, Edoardo Vitagliano
Cosmological Consequences of Domain Walls Biased by Quantum Gravity
Yann Gouttenoire, Stephen F. King, Rishav Roshan, Xin Wang, Graham White, Masahito Yamazaki
A Heavy Seed Black Hole Mass Function at High Redshift -- Prospects for LISA
Joe McCaffrey, John Regan, Britton Smith, John Wise, Brian O'Shea, Michael Norman
Primordial Gravitational Waves as Probe of Dark Matter in Interferometer Missions: Fisher Forecast and MCMC
Anish Ghoshal, Debarun Paul, Supratik Pal
A new approximation for heavy-lepton neutrino pair processes in simulations of core-collapse supernovae
Aurore Betranhandy, Evan O'Connor
Equation of State of White Dwarfs and Mass-Radius Estimation in the Newtonian Limit
Tousif Raza
The spectral density of astrophysical stochastic backgrounds
Enis Belgacem, Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Maggiore, Michele Mancarella, Niccol\`o Muttoni
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